What I'm All About
Real life moments
Hello! I’m Alexa. I live in Oak Ridge, North Carolina with five of my favorite boys - my husband of ten years, Jonathan, our little ones, Noah, Samuel, Benjamin, Anna, and Jonathan David, and our sweet old dog, Luke. On any given day you might find us snuggling on the couch, having a dance party, in the middle of a friendly wrestling match (normally I just watch and laugh), or on Fridays at our favorite coffee shop, the farmer's market, or the city park for our weekly Sabbath.
Although Jonathan doesn't shoot with me, he has always been supportive of this business, lovingly cheering me on, and helpful when I ask for input. So I still consider us a husband-wife team.
Family, intentionality, and making rhythms of rest are some of the most important things to us and when you choose me to photograph your life, you become an extension of this family. So I thought you should get to know us a little better...

More little facts about Alexa...
We've been married for fourteen years...
Best years of my life! Being married has taught both Jonathan and I SO much about giving up our selfishness and living for something bigger than ourselves! We believe marriage paints a picture of the gospel and the way that our Savior, Jesus, loves and cares for us. This commitment is so important and that's why I love photographing such a special time in life.
I eat cereal pretty much every night before bed...
My friends and family know that it's a safe bet that I'm up eating cereal at 10:00pm. I have since I was a kid! And no, I don't have a specific cereal preference. Sometimes it's healthy and sometimes it has marshmallows or food coloring. I don't discriminate!
I love to cook and bake...
It's so relaxing and fun for me! I love trying new recipes for meals and my made-from-scratch cinnamon rolls are just about famous around here.
I'm from a very big family...
We're all still very close and because of the way I grew up, I place a very high value on relationships. I love to capture the little details of these intimate relationships and often notice interactions that others might not see!